Special Education Services

K-12 Resource:
Resource provides instruction with core academic and supplemental curriculum. The model is designed to provide as much, or as little, as the students need in the way of special education services. Instruction is focused on Individual Education Plan (IEP) goals, which support progress toward competence in grade level curriculum in the least restrictive environment. Skills are developed in conjunction with the homeroom teacher through:

  • Pull-out support in small group special education settings or academic skills classes
  • Instruction in general education class settings with support and/or consultation
  • Collaborative teaching with general education teachers

K-12 Life Skills:
The K-12 Life Skills class is a specialized program that provides services to students whose Individual Education Plan (IEP) demonstrates a need for cognitive, communication, socialization, motor skills, and life skills development. Skills are developed with significant adult support through individualized instruction and strategies such as:

  • Functional or modified core academic support and curriculum
  • Visual systems for classroom support, work completion and communication
  • Functional daily routines- assisting in eating, toileting and hygiene
  • Reduced instructional pace
  • Social skills development
  • Motor skill development
  • Pre-vocational skill development
  • Positive Behavior Supports

K-5 Social Communication Classroom:
The Social Communication class is a specialized program that provides services to students who demonstrate significant communication and social deficits and whose Individual Education Plan (IEP) have an emphasis on social skills, functional routines, academic support and communication development, as well as a provision of sensory supports. Skills are taught through the following research-based strategies and curriculum with moderate to significant adult support:

  • Individualized core and modified academic curriculum
  • Visual systems for work completion, communication, organization and transition
  • Teaching of daily routines- assisting in eating, toileting and hygiene
  • Social skills development
  • Structured classroom setting
  • Modified environmental stimuli
  • Discrete trial teaching
  • Pivotal response training
  • Access to sensory supports
  • Individualized behavior support plans- physically able to implement plans with a need for OIS physical interventions

K-12 Supported Behavior Classroom:
The Supported Behavior class (SBC) is a specialized program that provides services to students whose Individual Education Plan (IEP) demonstrates a need for significant behavioral support, as well as, communication, social skills development, and academic services. The following instruction, strategies and support are incorporated in a small, structured group setting with moderate adult support:

  • Individualized core and modified academic support
  • Visual systems for work completion, communication and organization
  • Social skills coaching and modeling
  • Positive Behavior Supports
  • Collaborative problem solving
  • Individualized behavior support plans- physically able to implement plans with a need for OIS physical interventions
  • Access to school-based counselors

K-12 Functional Life Skills:
The FLS classroom is a specialized program that provides services to students whose IEP demonstrates a need for functional communication, social, motor, and adaptive skills development that are commensurate with their cognitive level of functioning. Skills are developed with significant adult support through individualized strategies such as:

  • Functional applied academics
  • Functional daily routines- assisting in eating, toileting and hygiene
  • Adaptive skills to increase students’ access their environment
  • Motor skill development
  • Communication and social skill development
  • Support of physical and medical health care needs
  • Community based instruction

Post-High Transition Programs (link for descriptions)