JFCG-AR: Discipline for Use, Possession, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems


Revised/Reviewed: 6/13/18; 9/28/22

Orig. Code: JFCG-AR

The following guidelines will govern possession, use, distribution and sale of tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems, or violation of the district’s prohibition of tobacco product or inhalant delivery system promotional items, including clothing, bags, hats and other personal items by students on district property or at school-sponsored activities.

Violation will result in the following:

1st offense - Conference with parents

2nd offense - Detention

3rd offense - In-school suspension

At any grade or offense level, as either an alternative to, or as a part of discipline, school or community service and/or attendance and successful completion of cessation and/or education classes or behavior modification plans may be assigned at the discretion of the principal or designee. Attendance at such classes not offered by the district will be voluntary and any associated costs are the sole responsibility of the student and  parent. A referral to law enforcement and/or local public health authority may be made.