Talented and Gifted (TAG) Assessments Information and Student Survey

Reynolds School District identifies talented and gifted (TAG) students according to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-2325. TAG students in Reynolds demonstrate a pattern of exceptional ability, performance, or achievement when compared to similar age peers nationally and in the local district community. Identification decisions are based on a robust body of evidence that considers a child’s background, experiences, and opportunities to learn. Click here for more information about TAG.  

Reynolds School District ensures that all students from all populations in the District have access to the TAG assessment process and, if identified, receive TAG services. This fall, all third-grade students will have an opportunity to take an assessment for potential TAG eligibility and in the spring, all second-grade students will be assessed.

Students who are not in second or third grade may be referred for TAG eligibility. 

Please select your student's grade level below for more information. 

Second Grade

If your student is in second grade, please complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to provide advocacy information about your student.

Click the sections below for more information about upcoming testing. 

What is the assessment?

The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) is a brief, nonverbal measure of general intellectual ability that is helpful in identifying students who have the potential for advanced achievement in school. The test has no verbal content, it consists of geometric shapes that are universal, and its directions are pictorial with minimal verbal instructions. This makes it accessible to a wide variety of students including those with limited educational experiences and those who come from diverse cultural, socioeconomic, or linguistic backgrounds.

Testing is in an online format and takes approximately 30 minutes to administer. The test consists of 48 multiple choice questions in pictorial form. Students can check their answers before completing the test.

When is my child being tested?

All second graders will be tested between January 30 and February 16, 2024.  

How can I support my child?

The NNAT is an abilities test, so children are not expected to study or prepare for the test the way they would for an achievement test. You can help your student prepare by making sure they get adequate rest, eat a good breakfast, and encourage them to try their best. It is important that your child attend school on test day.

How will these scores be used?

NNAT scores are used in a portfolio to determine eligibility for TAG services in the area of intellectual ability. This portfolio should also include supporting behavioral, learning, and performance information provided by teachers and parents.

All parents of second-grade students are being asked to complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to provide advocacy information about their student.

Additional information and opting out

Please complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to provide advocacy information about your student.

If you do not want your child to be tested, please notify your child’s teacher or click here to complete the opt out form by January 19, 2024.  

If you have any questions, please contact your school’s TAG coordinator or Christine Taylor, district TAG specialist, at 503-661-7200, extension 3252, or crileytaylor@rsd7.net.


Third Grade

If your student is in third grade, please complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to provide advocacy information about your student.

Click the sections below for more information about upcoming testing. 

What is the assessment?

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) measures learned reasoning abilities and problem-solving skills in three areas: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal. The Verbal Battery measures inductive reasoning and verbal comprehension. The Quantitative Battery measures reasoning with quantitative symbols and concepts which are significantly related to problem solving in mathematics. The Nonverbal Battery measures students’ abilities to reason with geometric shapes and figures and to solve novel problems.

Students will take the CogAT online. There are a total of nine subtests and each subtest is timed at 10 minutes. Children are not expected to know the answers to all questions and will be given opportunities to practice sample items before taking each subtest. For more information about CogAT, go to www.CogAT.com.

When is my child being tested?

All third graders will be tested between October 10 and October 27, 2023. Testing is usually conducted over two or three school days and students will test with their entire class.

How can I support my child?

The CogAT is an abilities test, so children are not expected to study or prepare for the test the way they would for an achievement test. You can help your student prepare by making sure they get adequate rest, eat a good breakfast, and encourage them to try their best. It is important that your child attend school on test days.

How will these scores be used?

Scores can be used to adapt instruction in ways that enhance student success in learning. Data gathered from this assessment will be included as one aspect of the multiple measures which help staff make decisions regarding instructional needs.

CogAT scores are also used as evidence in a portfolio to determine eligibility for TAG services in the areas of math, reading, and intellectual ability. This portfolio should also include supporting behavioral, learning, and performance information provided by teachers and parents.

All parents of third-grade students are being asked to complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to provide advocacy information about their student.

Additional information and opting out

Please complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to provide advocacy information about your student.

If you do not want your child to be tested, please notify your child’s teacher or click here to complete the opt out form by October 6, 2023.  

If you have any questions, please contact your school’s TAG coordinator or Christine Taylor, district TAG specialist, at 503-661-7200, extension 3252, or crileytaylor@rsd7.net.


All Other Grades

The TAG nomination window closes Friday, March 1, 2024. Please complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to refer your child for TAG eligibility. Testing for students not in second and third grade will take place in the spring.


Talented and Gifted Student Survey

The TAG nomination window closes Friday, March 1, 2024. Please complete the Talented and Gifted Student Survey below to refer your child for TAG eligibility. 

Person Completing This Form
I am a *
Please enter your first and last name.
Student Information
Please enter your student's six-digit ID number. This number can be found on the ParentVue information page. You can also ask your child's teacher or school office. Many students also know their ID number. If unknown, enter 111111.
Please enter the teacher's last name.
Giftedness can be expressed in many ways although the characteristics listed below are common to gifted students. Please respond with how often you notice the following traits in your student.
Please indicate the requested area(s) for assessment: *
Please indicate all areas where the student shows talent or strength. *
You make select more than one area.
Please note the languages in which your student is fluent.
Language Abilities
Please select the areas in which your student can communicate fluently in multiple languages.
Please use the space below to provide any additional information about the student that should be shared with the TAG identification team.
Please click Complete Survey to submit your responses