
Wed, 04/03/2024 | Hartley Elementary
Spring Picture Day English

Hartley Families, 

Spring Picture Day is on Thursday, April 11th. To order online visit and enter Hartley's picture day ID : EVTM3F4CG
complete the picture packet being sent home this week also linked below, and return it to school before picture day. As a reminder, all picture packets and money must be received by 09:20am on picture day (April 11th).
Please note, there will not be a re-take day for Spring Pictures. 

Tue, 04/02/2024 | Hartley Elementary
Cereal Drive English

CEREAL DRIVE April 1-24, 2024 at Hartley School!

Help our students line the hallways for Hartley's first annual cereal race. We will collecting boxes of cereal during the month of April to donate to the local food bank. Before the donation day we will be holding a cereal box domino fall through our hallways with all the boxes collected. We would love to fill the hallways with your help and donations. 

Please send all donations to school with your student by Wednesday April, 24th.  
Thank you for your support. 

Mon, 04/01/2024 | Hartley Elementary
Kinder Connect News Icon

Wed, 01/03/2024 | Hartley Elementary
Bus Changes

Welcome Back Hartley Hornets! The new year is starting out with some changes in transportation. Due to bus overcrowding the RSD transportation department has added an additional bus for Hartley. Please take a close look at the Hartley bus schedule linked below, as some routes and times have changed. The changes will be effective Thursday, January 4th.

Wed, 10/25/2023 | Hartley Elementary

Hello Hartley families, 

Our school qualifies for Title 1 federal education funding through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended (2015). This act requires that teachers and paraprofessionals meet state and local certification and licensure. A paraprofessional provides academic or other support for students under the direct supervision of a teacher. 

This attached notice provides information about the professional qualifications requirements for staff at our school as of 09/30/2023 for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Fri, 10/06/2023 | Hartley Elementary
Health Eduacation

The Oregon Department of Education continues to update and revise Health Education standards, including Sexuality Education. The School Board adopted the use of The Great Body Shop in grades K-8 for all Health instruction.  

In compliance with Board Policy (IGAI) Reynolds provides an age-appropriate comprehensive plan of Health instruction. 

Fri, 09/22/2023 | Hartley Elementary
School News


Wed, 09/06/2023 | Hartley Elementary
Late Start

Late start Monday's begin on 09/11/23. School starts at 10:30am, and doors open at 10:15am for breakfast. Buses will arrive 1 hour and 10 minutes later than usual. Please see the attached bus schedule for exact times. 

Late Start will happen every Monday through the end of the school year. Please see the attached calendar for additional information. 

Thu, 08/24/2023 | Hartley Elementary

Hello Hartley Families! 

We hope you had a wonderful summer! This email/post contains information about the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Please read through everything carefully as some things have changed for this coming school year. 

NEW School Hours for students: 
Tue.-Thur. 9:20am-3:50pm (doors open for breakfast at 9:05am)
Monday Late Start 10:30am-3:50pm (doors open for breakfast at 10:15am)
School calendar is attached below.

First Day of School:

Tue, 08/22/2023 | Hartley Elementary

Welcome Back Hartley Families! This year we will be communicating with our families through ParentSquare. 

Reynolds School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.

Wed, 01/18/2023 | Hartley Elementary
School Bus

As a friendly reminder, starting Monday, January 23rd all Hartley bus riders will begin carrying a Reynolds School District Bus Pass. The pass will be on a lanyard and attached to the students backpack. Please remind your student(s) to leave the pass attached to their backpacks. All bus riders will need to scan on and off the bus. This program is designed to enhance bus rider safety by providing boarding time and location as students load and unload a district school bus. This program also offers electronic attendance check-in. 

Thu, 09/15/2022 | Hartley Elementary
School Bus Image

Still have questions about when your students bus will arrive? Download the FREE Traversa Ride 360 App on your smartphone. 
 Traversa Ride 360 allows you to: