Strategic Plan & Results Dashboard


Please click on each arrow to expand each section.  To download the 2021-2026 Reynolds School District Strategic Plan, click HERE

Creating a Vision for Reynolds School District


During the 2019-2020 school year students, families, staff, partners, and community members collaborated to define Reynolds School District’s vision.


stakeholders shared input


focus groups


community meetings


Steering Committee meetings


What we heard:


  • Supportive community
  • Diversity of the student population and community
  • Strong relationships and support from community partners
  • Hope and excitement for the future
  • Diversity of the Board of Education

Areas to Focus On

  • Lifting the voices of students, staff, and families in developing and refining policies and procedures
  • Equity as the foundation for decision-making
  • Mental health supports for staff and students
  • Culturally responsive curriculum and instruction
  • Aligning professional learning, policies, procedures, and practices throughout the system


Throughout the process, stakeholders were asked to view the district through the lens of the Board of Education’s Core Commitments and Beliefs:


We believe that all students, families,
and staff deserve a safe and secure
learning environment.

We commit to providing physical
and emotional safety across
the Reynolds Community.


We believe that equitable practices
allow everyone within the Reynolds community to thrive.

We commit to using equity as a foundation
in all decision-making processes in order
to eliminate inequities.

Instructional Practices

We believe that high-quality first-time
instruction will eliminate the
opportunity gap.

We commit to setting high expectations
and providing intentional professional 
development for instructional leaders.

Organizational Culture

We believe that the heart of a high-performing organization is its people.

 We commit to becoming an inclusive and positive organizational culture.


The process resulted in the Steering Committee and Cabinet identifying four major Goal Topic Areas that were vetted through the Board’s Core Commitments and Beliefs, which are now the Four Pillars of the strategic plan.

The four major Goal Topic Areas are:

  • Marginalized Students
  • Culturally Responsive Instruction
  • Student and Staff Wellness
  • Professional Development


The Cabinet collaborated with staff representing the Reynolds Administrator Group (RAA), the Reynolds Education Association (REA), and the Oregon School Employee Association (OSEA) to form four Goal Topic Teams charged with reviewing and aligning the Goal Topics to Board Goals and Core Commitments, establish goals and timelines for each area, and identify tangible evidence for the completion of each goal.


We thank everyone involved for your dedication and support as we do this important work for the future of our district!


Mission & Vision

We lead with equity to educate and support all students to graduate with the skills and confidence to thrive.


As a community, we prepare lifelong learners to achieve their full potential in a complex and interconnected world.


Goal Descriptions

Specific results dashboards are within each goal topic by clicking on each arrow below.  For all results, see below.

Goal 1: Marginalized Students


In order to give voice to our marginalized* populations, we will remove barriers, hold high academic expectations, and elicit and honor all voices.

*In Reynolds, we define "marginalized" as those students and families who are furthest from justice and those who have been historically silenced in our school system. Our marginalized population is identified as our Black and Brown students. We believe that if we address the disparities faced by our Black and Brown students, it will positively impact other groups facing systemic barriers.




Elevate Voice: We will create opportunities that allow voices that have been historically marginalized to be honored and elevated.


Remove Barriers: We will take action to identify and remove internal barriers (and provide tools to overcome external barriers) so that marginalized students have just and equitable access to a high-quality education.


Communication: We are committed to truly listen and create timely/efficient communication systems.


Improve the academic and social experience for Black students and families in RSD.


Pillar Alignment:




METRIC 1: Elevate Student Voice

  • No less than three times per year, schools and district-level departments will use a combination of surveys, empathy interviews*, input sessions and community meetings to measure the level of equitable participation as well as the overall satisfaction of students and families. Disaggregate for Black students and families. (The ultimate goal is to ensure that there is a true representation of the school/district community in decision making.) 

RESULTS:  Student Collaboration & Interpersonal Skills

RESULTS:  Attendance Rate (District-Wide, School Level, and by Ethnicity)

RESULTS:  Family Perceptions around Parent & Community Involvement

METRIC 2: Remove Barriers

  • District departments or schools will identify the top three barriers to the goals on an annual basis. 
  • RSD will analyze the data from graduation rates, acceptance rates to 4-year universities/trade programs, and percentage rates of identified students in Talented and Gifted Programs of historically marginalized students and disaggregated for Black Students. 

RESULTS:  Internal Perception Barriers Around Student Achievement

RESULTS:  Student Achievement Data - STAR Early Literacy, Reading, and Mathematics

RESULTS:  3rd Grade Literacy District Improvement SMART Goals on STAR-Reading

RESULTS:  9th Grade on Track (% of Students Earning Six or More Credits during 1st Year of High School)

RESULTS:  4-Year Graduation Rate

METRIC 3: Communication

  • At the conclusion of each outreach opportunity, RSD schools and or departments will use input sessions, surveys, and/or community feedback to identify internal and external barriers to student and community communication.  
  • Annual equity progress review to address barriers identified by families.  

RESULTS:  Family Perceptions Around Communication

RESULTS:  Staff Perceptions Around Communication






Adhering to the metrics listed, each school and District-level department will be responsible for including an action plan in their SIP or DIP, directly related to Marginalized students.

  • Identify the goal(s).
  • Develop the action plan.
  • Evaluate the implementation of the plan and the quarterly results.
  • Determine if adjustments are needed to the plan based on quarterly results.
  • Communicate data to stakeholders and allow opportunity for input on the quarterly results of the plans.
  • Ensure that the diversity of your team represents the community you serve.
  • Disaggregate all data to evaluate for Black students and families.



  • Increased participation in community conversation and/or surveys.
  • Increased access points for feedback (more offerings than surveys; i.e.,follow up emails, home visits, etc.)
  • District-wide and school-specific input sessions to be done that involve all stakeholders (publish topics in advance, solicit ideas, provide agenda, and then summarize meeting in writing).
  • Identify groups and ensure that there is representation at all input sessions, specifically families and community members from our Black community.
  • Chat Session, a type of empathy interview, as the initial session to identify barriers and data (be specific about what works and what is not working in regards to participation).
  • Follow-up sessions for assessing effectiveness of the systems.
  • Provide ongoing professional conversations to allow all staff to internalize the importance of having an ethnic and racial equity lens in communication.
  • Create sustainable systems (i.e. train counselors to advocate for students) to ensure that all staff are trained in equity and anti-racism. All staff will be a voice and an ear for students who need them the most.


Each school and District-level department will be responsible for including an action plan in their SIP or DIP, directly related to Marginalized students. 

  • Identify the goal(s).
  • Develop the action plan.
  • Evaluate the implementation of the plan and the quarterly results.
  • Determine if adjustments are needed to the plan based on quarterly results.
  • Disaggregate all data to evaluate for Black students and families.
  • Communicate data out to stakeholders and allow opportunity for input on the quarterly results of the plans.
  • Ensure that the diversity of your team represents the community you serve.
  • Adopt a research-based, district-wide equity screener.





  • Increase participation of Black students in programs like TAG and AP offerings, ASB, and culturally specific clubs.
  • Create systems for which historically silenced populations are part of the decision-making process.
  • Specifically identify Black voices to measure levels of trust and to rate positive experiences.


Each school and District-level department will be responsible for including an action plan in their SIP or DIP, directly related to Marginalized students. 

  • Identify the goal(s).
  • Develop the action plan.
  • Evaluate the implementation of the plan and the quarterly results.
  • Determine if adjustments are needed to the plan based on quarterly results.
  • Disaggregate all data to evaluate for Black students and families.
  • Communicate data to stakeholders and allow opportunity for input on the quarterly results of the plans.
  • Ensure that the diversity of your team represents the community you serve.
  • Prioritize the act of “follow through” in the cycle of communication to honor the time and input by all.




  • Give dual pathways for parents and district/schools to communicate in preferred languages.
  • Provide multiple pathways for parents to reach out to RSD schools and departments.
  • Publish meeting notes and/minutes on public forum for accountability.


Goal 2: Culturally Responsive Teaching


We will interrupt bias and microaggression in instructional practices.




Share decision making with all stakeholders.


Honor student ways of being and showing knowledge: student voice and choice.


Eliminate control/compliance as proof of learning.


Curate curriculum.


Pillar Alignment:





METRIC 1: Listening

  • Annual improvement in stakeholder survey and listening session participation rates that mirror student demographics.

RESULTS:  CEE Survey Student Participation Demographics

METRIC 2: Elevate Student Voice

  • Annual improvement in student survey data about voice and choice.

RESULTS:  Student Perceptions Around Voice and Choice

METRIC 3: Equitable Grading

  • Annual progress toward equitable grading practices at each grade level.

RESULTS:  Attendance Rate by Ethnicity & Percentage of Chronically Absent by Ethnicity

METRIC 4: Culturally Responsive Teaching

  • Annual progress curating curriculum toward culturally responsive teaching across all grades and subject areas.






Establish shared definitions for Culturally Responsive Teaching.


  • Shared definition of Culturally Responsive.

Establish a baseline. Do our stakeholders currently view our teaching practices as culturally responsive?

  • Baseline data established.

Establish a process to ask this every year to track year over year data; include in the CEE survey.

  • Standardized questions established for annual stakeholder survey.

Establish a process to annually listen and learn "live" with stakeholder groups to hear the actual voices of our community, with an equity lens on who our stakeholders are.

  • Annual stakeholder "listen and learn" sessions are completed and stakeholder feedback captured.

Establish student exit survey to determine why students "leave" school.

  • Survey results collected and presented annually.


Establish a baseline of student perception of their current level of voice and choice.


  • Baseline of student perception about voice and choice established.

Increase student voice and choice in their educational experience.

  • Clear evidence that student voice and choice have increased and that student response is representative of our student population.

Establish a way to measure student voice and choice year over year.

  • Standardized questions established for annual student survey. If insufficient evidence of student response, then re-open and re-communicate the survey.

Ensure addition of electives or choice, especially equity in PE, art, music offerings in elementary.

  • Additional elective choices added to course catalogs at secondary, and choice coursework added at elementary. Full time PE and music in elementary.


Establish equitable grading practices and accompanying communication strategy to families.


  • District-wide grading policy established, adopted as Board policy, and communicated to families.

Separate "will" from "skill" in feedback.

  • Academic grading limited to information about mastery of curricular content.

Stop issuing summative grades for formative assessment.

  • Feedback about other student behaviors given separately or not at all.

Establish clear success criteria (i.e. rubrics) for summative grading across a variety of assessment formats.

  • Clear success criteria established for all summative grading opportunities.


Add ethnic studies coursework at all grade levels.


  • Ethnic studies courses offered at all secondary schools, and at elementary, incorporate ethnic studies into units of study.

Supplement adopted curricular materials with culturally responsive texts.

  • Culturally responsive texts adopted.

Ensure curricular materials present multiple perspectives on content.

  • Scope and sequence documents established, ensuring multiple perspectives in all content areas.

Implement social justice, multicultural education, and ethnic studies in curricular content and enhance cross-curricular approach.

  • Scope and sequence documents established, infusing social justice, multicultural education, and ethnic studies in all content areas.


Goal 3: Student and Staff Wellness


We will promote a healthy learning and working environment that provides students and staff with the skills, social support, and environmental reinforcement they need to adopt healthy long-term behaviors.




Develop and implement a robust District-adopted wellness policy that focuses on physical, mental-emotional, and social health for students, family, and staff.



Pillar Alignment:





METRIC 1: Draft plan presented to Board for adoption.

METRIC 2: Revision of related board policies.

METRIC 3: Development of a wellness policy guide.

METRIC 4: Evidence of ongoing meeting of wellness committee.


RESULTS:  Mental Health - Who would you go to at your school for help?

RESULTS:  Staff Perceptions Around Health and Wellness





Form standing Wellness Committees at all levels – Elementary, Secondary, & Staff Wellness Committees.



  • Formation of a committee with elementary, secondary, and staff representation

Review/revise Board policies and federal and state guidelines related to student and staff wellness. Review and offer recommendations to the Policy Review Committee.

  • Meeting minutes of the Wellness Committee that reflect a review and revision of Board policies and federal/state guidelines.

Revise Board policies related to student and staff wellness.

  • Meeting minutes of the Wellness Committee that reflect a review and list of recommendations to the policy review committee.

With stakeholder input, draft a Wellness Policy Guide aligned to the revised Board policies related to student and staff wellness.

  • Completion of a Wellness Policy Guide.

Over the next five years, periodically survey student, staff, and family (parent/guardian) stakeholder groups and review Oregon Healthy Kids Survey results.

  • Committee develops a survey and annual survey schedule.

Ensure Wellness Committee meets quarterly every year.

  • Schedule of committee meetings and minutes that reflect quarterly meetings.

Build an action plan to commit to improving student, family, and staff wellness. Make other and online resources available.

  • Wellness Action Plan



Goal 4: Professional Development


We will offer continuous learning opportunities from onboarding to retirement for all staff to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to accelerate student outcomes.




Improving the quality of professional development for all staff while eliminating systems of racism and oppression to become a high performing, culturally responsive school district.

Pillar Alignment:





METRIC 1: Voluntary staff retention - less retirement and reduction in force.

METRIC 2: Measure the quality of delivery and content of professional development by using a standardized feedback form across departments.

METRIC 3: Results from the annual community and staff RSD perception survey (CEE Survey).

METRIC 4: Measure RSD recruitment of applicants, hiring, and retention of candidates of color.


RESULTS:  Staff Perceptions Around Focused Professional Development





Build a rubric for culturally responsive practices.


  • Rubric.

Utilize PLCs, staff meetings, and conferences to measure implementation of the PD offerings.



  • Conferences/Book Study.
  • Data Review – adult and student data meeting minutes.

Develop and implement an effective coaching and mentoring model that provides ongoing support to staff.



  • Provide dual pathways for parents and district/schools to communicate in preferred languages.
  • There will be multiple pathways for parents to reach out to RSD schools and departments.
  • Publish meeting notes and/minutes on public forum for accountability.

Design a professional development tracking form for all staff in every department that outlines a professional development pathway focused on equity, safety, instructional practices, and organizational culture. Create a PD Map by position designed for all staff from start date to retirement differentiated by skill for all positions.


  • Results from the professional development tracking.
  • Development of professional development guide, including registration and participation.

SIP/DIP plans have a clearly articulated implementation plan for professional development specific to culturally responsive practices.



  • SIP/DIP plans.

Articulate professional development standards.



  • Adopted standards.

Design a standardized feedback form to measure the quality of delivery and content of all PD

  • Standardized PD feedback form.

Departments and schools will examine and derive SIP/ DIP action steps from community and staff perception survey results annually.



  • Documentation of data and steps taken.

All staff who exit RSD will complete a feedback form focused on organizational improvement.

  • Exit survey data.

Review existing policies, resources and practices with a culturally responsive lens to eliminate systems of racism and oppression in areas including, but not limited to: Recruitment, Selection/Hiring, Evaluation, and Coaching.


  • Recruitment and Hiring Data.



All Results


Funding (including SIA and ESSER)

Many of the plans and initiatives in the Strategic Plan are made possible by state and federal funding. Click the links below to learn more about these funding sources. 

American Rescue Plan - ESSER III