Programs and Services


5:30 pm Dinner

6:00 pm Welcome and introduction

6:10 pm Iqra's role in your children's education

Alder Elementary

You will learn how to become a leader of your kids.

Walt Morey Middle School

Your opinion matters - fill out the Nutrition Services Survey!

Meal Benefits Applications - Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year!

Applications for the 2018-2019 school year are now available. Please note: your last year's status is good through 10/12/2018! You will need to reapply BEFORE that date.  

Hartley Elementary
What's Popping at Hartley

Come join us IN PERSON person on Thursday, April 21st from

5:30-7:00pm at Hartley School.


  • Meet and Greet the teachers IN PERSON!
  • See your student's classroom and school.
  • Enjoy POPcorn, LollyPOP's and sodaPOP!
  • Help us complete the CEE School Survey.
Sweetbriar Elementary

We are excited to be back for the 2023-2024 School year!.  Those of us in the Health Room want to remind families to ensure that your student is well enough for school before sending them.  Attached, you'll find the Oregon Health Authority guidelines that we follow here at school.  Please refer to them everyday before sending your student to school. Together we can make a big difference to prevent the spread of illness.  Please call school office for absences 503-666-9441.


Sweetbriar Health Room


Testing begins in January 2017


Please look at your calendar to determine when the next budget meeting is.

Woodland Elementary

The second Monday of the month, 6:30 p.m. in the Woodland Library.

For more information, please contact the PTA President, Melissa or click on this link.

Children are welcome!

Sweetbriar Elementary

Hopefully by January, when school resumes after Winter Break.


You can go to the District's Alexandria page to search for the books you're looking for.

Wilkes Elementary
Wilkes Logo

Fridays are Wildcat days. We encourage all students to wear their green Wildcat T-shirt or another green shirt every Friday.

Wilkes Elementary

Wilkes school sends home monthly newsletters telling parents and families of important information about upcoming events and other happenings at school.  All important information is sent home with students so watch for the information in your child's backpack.

Reynolds School District - Oregon

Wilkes Annual Holiday Bazaar

Wilkes Elementary School

17020 NE Wilkes Rd., Portland, OR

Wilkes Elementary

Please join us for a family night event on Thursday, May 23, from 5:00-7:00 pm. We will showcase small bites of food from different countries represented by our families. There will be lots of fun activities for the family to participate in each grade level pod. Limited transportation will be provided. Bus schedules will be sent home the week of May 20.

Wilkes Elementary
Attendance initiative

Help your child succeed in school: Build the habit of good attendance early.

Did you know?

  • Starting in preschool and kindergarten, too many absences can caus children to fall behind in school.
  • Missing 10% or about 2 days each month over the course of a school year, can make it harder to learn to read.
  • Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.

Absences and tardiness can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.

Wilkes Elementary
school bus
Monday Late Start Tuesday–Friday Route
Pickup Time
Wilkes Elementary
Reynolds School District - Oregon

Dr. Seuss's Birthday celebration was loads of fun!

Bond Projects
Wilkes Construction
