Year End Partner Report

Reynolds School District would like to ensure that our partnering organizations adhere to our district goals, mission, and vision for all of our students. Partners with our district should provide students with services such as educational support, cultural activities, nutritional support, social-emotional learning, mentorship, college preparedness, and a wide range of other student and family services that match our new Strategic Plan.

Please use the form below to report on your efforts throughout the school year.

Executive Summary

Executive Summary for a funding report may be used.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: txt pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx.


Program Summary

Which Reynolds school(s) did you work with? *


Key Findings


RSD Strategic Plan Goals Alignment

Which strategic plan goal(s) did your efforts target this school year? *


Year End Report

Have you presented your year end report to the school principal/s? *