Partner Engagement

backpack giveaway

Reynolds School District recently completed our latest Strategic Plan, which outlines a unified vision and path forward for our district for 2021-2026. The plan has been approved by the Reynolds School Board, and achieving the ambitious goals set forth in this vision will take a commitment from all of us – students, families, educators, support staff, and community members. 

We want to ensure that our community partners are helping Reynolds to accomplish its new vision, mission and goals within the strategic plan. You can view a PDF of the full strategic plan HERE.

Please fill out the form below to start the process of partnering with us to work with our children, families, and schools throughout the district.

What population of students will be your focus? *
Select all that apply
What school(s) are you interested in working with? *
Select all that apply
Five individuals or less only
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt pdf doc docx xls xlsx.

Please click HERE and review the "Goal Descriptions" section. After reading, please let us know which Strategic Plan Goals your services will meet.

Please indicate which of the 2021-26 Strategic Plan Goals your services will fulfill. *
Select all that apply