School Board Approves 2013-14 Budget Goals and Calendar

Reynolds School District - Oregon

The Reynolds School Board took unanimous action at the January 9, 2013, Regular Business Meeting to get the budget processes underway.

The Board approved the 2013-14 Budget Calendar and approved Budget Goals. The Board met on Monday, December 17, 2012 in a workshop setting to discuss and develop the budget goals for the 2013-14 Budget.  The budget goals will be the framework that the administration uses to prioritize where to make investments for the 2013-14 school year.

In addition, the board received and approved the 2011-12 Auditors Report. The auditors did not issue a management letter, which means that they did not have anything that they needed to report to or advise the board about. Roy Rogers, CPA stated that the school board should be pleased with the progress made in the area of financial management over the past several years.