Thank you, voters!

Reynolds School District - Oregon

The Reynolds School District would like to extend its gratitude to the voters for passing the $125,000,000 bond. We are excited to update our controlled access entry style at all of the schools, and rebuild Fairview, Troutdale and Wilkes Elementary Schools; as well as make extensive renovations to Reynolds High School. With the support of our voters these investments were made possible.  

The 2015 Reynolds General Obligation Bonds will:

  • Maintain the 2014 tax rate of $1.56/$1,000 assessed value;
  • Replace Fairview, Troutdale and Wilkes Elementary Schools, and
  • Repair and renovate Reynolds High School by adding 18 classrooms, connect all out buildings to main school, relocate student support service to front entrance of the school, and expand the cafeteria and commons.
  • Add secure, controlled access entrances, exterior locking doors and lighting and cameras at all schools. 

The bond will provide students with facilities that are:

  • Safe:
    • Improve facilities to withstand a seismic event
    • Improve controlled access
    • Addition of more cameras and lighting
  • Smart:
    • Add capacity to schools without purchasing more land or opening new schools
    • Lowered operation costs
    • Protect current assets
  • Sustainable
    • Energy efficient
    • Use of solar energy
    • Reuse of current

We are eager to see the facilities get improved over the next few years.

If you have any questions regarding election results, or bond projects, a detailed outline can be found at