Reynolds Education Association Bargaining Session Update: October 9, 2014

REA Negotiations Update – October 9, 2014

The meeting was held from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 at the OEA Office. 

The District presented a package proposal that included the following:

Article 5 - Employee Rights:  Remains the District’s initial proposal through H. which includes some updated language to be in alignment with the District Professional Development and Evaluation Program but did not adopt REA recommended language related to Plans of Awareness; strikes language regarding using student performance data for evaluation purposes and does not accept REA’s language regarding not holding members accountable for meeting the state standards or regarding the District being responsible to provide rubrics and curricular resources on the District website. 

Article 9 - Teaching Hours:  The District continues to request that language surrounding counselors covering preparation periods not be confined to a specific number but does agree that when asked to cover preps, the content of these periods shall be counseling related curriculum.

Article 22 – Compensation:  District continues to propose adding a new top step and increases to the salary schedule of 2014/15 (1.5%); 2015/16 (1.5%); 2016/17 (1.5%); Eliminate the Zero step in Year Two but retain the BA, Step 0 as a placeholder for things such as sub rates and curriculum rates.  District proposed a differential for bilingual programs. District proposed some changes to the “on notice” placement language for Extra Duty allowing for a probationary period and also proposes striking the club language as that should be handled in each building.

Article 23 – Fringe Benefits:  District proposes maintaining the $1,100 monthly contribution for the life of the contract with additional contributions made to the insurance pool annually as follows:

2014/15 ($100,000); 2015/16 (150,000); 2016/17 ($200,000) to assist those who are out of pocket for medical, dental, and vision insurances.  The District continues to propose that those with unused portions of their allocation, after major medical purchases, be allowed to only use one-half of those dollars toward supplemental insurances.

Article 26 – Special Education and Student Services:  Same as prior proposal with no changes.  Continues to propose that stipend be in the amount of 1.6% which is the equivalent of three days pay.

Article 27 – Class Load:  Asking to revert back to current contract language.

REA presented one counter proposal:

Article 25 – Reduction in Force:  Proposing that employees who are displaced or recalled be given priority to the same position in the same building that was held prior to the RIF.

Finally there was continued collaborative discussion regarding Article 18 – Student Discipline however no proposals were exchanged.  We ended the session at 1:00 p.m. rather than the 3:00 p.m. originally scheduled end time because REA indicated they would not have a counter proposal ready to share before our 3:00 end time.