Oregon School Employees Association Bargaining Session Update: September 30, 2014

September 30, 2014 OSEA Negotiations Update:

The meeting was held in the Woodland Elementary School Library from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.

From 4:30 to 6:15, OSEA bargaining team members asked questions about pay and insurance benefits for classified staff.  The conversation primarily centered on the fact that while insurance rates have increased the CAP has not been increased yet for 2014/2015 and raises/steps have also not yet been granted.  This has resulted in bargaining unit members having lower take home pay this year than last due to rising insurance costs and the lack of a settled agreement.  OSEA feels that they should be receiving a larger share of the overall dollars available than what the district has proposed and they would like to ensure that the raises and increases in insurance CAPs they receive will outweigh the increased costs for the year.  They do not want to have less in their take home pay than they did in the prior year.

Following a caucus, the District presented a counter proposals:

Article 25 – Discrimination:  Based on a previous counter proposal from OSEA, the District added language indicating that the District will provide a discrimination and bullying/harassment-free work environment.

This proposal was TA’d.

Article 21 – Transportation:  The District agreed to accept OSEA’s last proposal in which the District agrees to pay overtime at one and one half (1 ½) the regular rate when bus drivers work more than twelve (12) hours a day.  This is a change from the current contract language of ten (10) hours per day which will allow more trips to be offered to senior staff than can be currently offered without forcing them into overtime for the day.  The District agreed to bring a new copy to the next meeting for TA signatures.

Article 24 – Job Openings:  Additional discussion was had regarding the District’s proposal adding language around the appointment of current employees to open positions.  The District is in favor of granting interviews to internal applicants but would like the language improved to allow outside applicants to be considered in the same process, saving time and allowing for the best applicant to be hired for the position, whether internal or external.  In addition, clarifying language is being recommended regarding when the probationary period for new appointments ends.

Articles that Remain Open (9 of 27):

·         Article 2 – District Rights

·         Article 4 – Fringe Benefits

·         Article 5 – Leaves of Absence

·         Article 8 – Salary

·         Article 16 – Strike and Work Stoppage

·         Article 21 – Transportation

·         Article 24 – Job Openings

·         Article 26 – Early Retirement

·         Article 27 – Administrative Accountability (New)

Next Steps:

The next negotiations session is scheduled for Thursday, November 6th from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Woodland Library.