An Evening with Dr. Pedro Noguera

Reynolds School District - Oregon

Reynolds School District Invites You to Listen to Dr. Noguera's Talk on

Excellence Through Equity: Principles and Practices

Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM

Reynolds High School

1698 SW Cherry Park Rd in Troutdale

Best Access is on the West Side of Building Adjacent to Columbia Park

Standards and accountability has succeeded in bringing greater attention to disparities in student achievement. Little attention has been given to what it takes to create conditions in schools that will make achievement for all students more likely.

  • How do we place equity at the center of education reform?
  • How do we support and cultivate effective teaching in schools?

This presentation will describe principles and practices that have proven effective in meeting the needs of a wide variety of learners.   It will also explore how schools can develop effective partnerships with parents and community groups to further efforts to raise achievement.


Pedro Noguera has published over one hundred and fifty research articles, monographs and research reports on topics such as: urban school reform, conditions that promote student achievement, preventing youth violence, the potential impact of school choice and vouchers on urban public schools, and race and ethnic relations in American society. Some materials are available online at