2016-17 Budget Approved

The Reynolds School District Budget Committee unanimously approved the 2016-17 proposed budget.

Update:  The School Board  held a public hearing on June 8, 2016 at 7pm and unanimously approved adoption of the 2016-17 budget. The approved budget was the proposed budget with additions of: middle school track; K-10 Math Materials adoption and training; staffing for the first 30 days of instructional assistant in all kindergarten classrooms; and 11.0 FTE of behavior support instructional assistant, 1.0 per elementary school.

The approved budget includes a general fund of about $129.4 million. This is a decrease from the current budget due to a decline in state funds. The primary reason for the decline was a drop in enrollment. Secondary reasons for the declining revenues were a drop in the District's poverty index and teacher experience ratings which provide additional funding for school districts.

The approved budget included reductions in excess of $8 million. These reductions were made largely using attrition from resignations and retirements as well and involuntary transfers to minimize laying off employees.  If current projections hold true, Reynolds School District will face more budget reductions.

The Budget committee prioritized the items they would like to restore should additional funds be made available.

2016-17 Proposed Budget and May 5, 2016 Budget Committee Packet

May 19, 2016 Budget Committee Packet

May 12, 2016 Budget Committee Packet