2014 Multnomah Dental Society Children's Dental Health Fair

Multnomah Dental Society generously provided the Children's Health Fair on February 22, 2014. The Reynolds School Board recognized Mutlnomah Dental Society as the March Business Partner of the Month.

Multnomah Dental Society has been providing this service to needy communities for decades. This was the first year the event was sited within the Reynolds community. This event was made possible through generous gifts of time and money.

The event was a huge success!

• 161 Families registered

• 275 Children received dental screenings, Oral hygeine instruction, and educations information

• $49,536 worth of Free dental care was provided.

Other community partners included: Multnomah County Health Department (immunizations); MESD (Hearing screenings) Lions Club (Vision tests); OHSU School of Dentistry (students and faculty); Multnomah Dental Society members (dental treatment); Medical Teams International (mobile dental vans)

Thank you to the Multnomah County Dental Society, their employees, volunteers and partners for bringing these services to Reynolds families! Lora Mattsen, Executive Director was tireless in her efforts to assure this event was successful.