RHS Bond Improvements and Architecture Team Move Forward

Update from Reynolds 2015 Bond Project 
November 8, 2017

DOWA-IBI was the architecture firm contracted for the bond improvements at Reynolds High School. At the end of September, the principal architect left DOWA, quickly followed by the project architect and other RHS project team members. Because of these issues, the District terminated its contract with DOWA effective October 26, 2017. 

The original architecture contract with DOWA was segmented into four phases, and was in the final phase, “construction administration,” when terminated. A total of $1.9 million was earned, billed and paid over the entire contract period, leaving more than $573,000 unbilled to complete the project.

Anticipating the costs and delays that could be associated with the change in DOWA staffing, the District declared an emergency (pursuant to Oregon law) to find a suitable replacement for DOWA. The District has since entered an interim agreement with the relocated project team, now with Bric Architecture. This process kept the original architecture team intact and avoided incurring major costs and unknown construction timeframes. In the end, the project schedule has been delayed by just two weeks. Other options would have been to remain in contract with DOWA while new team members were brought on board or to start a procurement process for a new architect. Either of these options would likely have resulted in much more significant schedule delays and costs implications.

Bric Architecture has agreed to honor the original DOWA contract and complete the project within the approximately $573,000 remaining.

For questions, contact:
RSD Bond Projects, SMO-RSDBondProjects@daycpm.com