Wilkes Parent Group

All parents of Wilkes Elementary students are invited and encouraged to participate in the Wilkes Parent Group. The Wilkes Parent Group is an active agent in our school and community striving to enhance the learning experience of our children. Our goal is to provide needed support and assistance, encourage family participation in the school and help raise supplemental funds. Some of the recent fundraisers and activities include: Read-a-thon, Movie Night, Pop can drives, Field trips, Campbell Soup Labels, and Box Tops for Education.

We are always collecting "BoxTops" and "Campbell's Soup Labels". Collect them at home and send them to the school office with your student. We are trying to raise $1000 this year. 

If you would like to get involved with Wilkes Parent Group contact the school office at 503-491-2724.

Our principal will be holding our first parent group meeting on Tuesday, Oct 1, from 5:00-6:00 pm. Please join us!