From Principal Swientek

Wilkes Wildcats! 

As we wrap up our first month of the school year, I am thrilled to share with you all  the great things happening at Wilkes.  Since the school year started, our amazing staff have been intentional on strengthening our school community and creating a learning environment for all our scholars to excel.  It is comforting to watch all the new friendships, relationships, and partnerships that have blossomed in such a short period of time, and I am excited for what the future holds.

With routines set up and learning happening, we are beginning to create systems of support for ALL students.  This past month, all students were assessed in literacy in order to identify key reading resources that will assist with reading development.  Your student’s teacher will consult with our Reading Specialist to develop a plan focused on improving literacy skills.  We are excited to introduce this reading support during the school day.

Speaking of literacy, we recently unveiled our Wilkes Wildcat Book Vending Machine.  We will be celebrating students that reach reading milestones by allowing them to select a book of their choice from the vending machine and begin building their personal library.  We have had to restock the machine multiple times which means that our Wildcats our “hungry” readers, and we hope to keep feeding them with more books.

As the leaves begin to change color, here in the Northwest, this also means RAIN!  Please remember to have your student bring their rain/winter jackets to school for outdoor recess.

Finally, please make sure you are signed up for Parentsquare, our school to home communication tool that allows you to connect with your student’s teacher and receive classroom, school and district messages and announcements.

Thank you for your support.


Adam Swientek
Interim Principal