Know Your City's First Youth Voices Comic Series

Know Your City is committed to amplifying the underrepresented voices of youth and people of color in our community. Youth Voices is an arts and education project that focuses on highlighting the challenges facing youth within the communities of Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah County. Know Your City is organizing a nine month project, including a public submission process, where a community panel will select ten youth (from age 12 to 24) to write about their first-hand experience on one of 15 community issues, and up to ten other youth as illustrators. Each youth who is selected to participate will be matched with a professional writer or visual artist as a mentor, and will receive a stipend for each story they work on. These ten stories and illustrations will be interwoven to become Know Your City's first Youth Voices comic series, joining the popular series we've already published: Oregon History Comics and Comics for Change. This experience will highlight the intersectionality of multiple identities including race, gender, economics, and ability, and compare the experiences from the individual level to the societal level.
