After-School Detention


Effective 9/22/15, students receiving a discipline referral may be assigned to an after-school detention on a Tuesday or a Thursday.  Students will be required to report to their assigned detention at 2:30 PM and will be released at 4:30 PM.  After detention, bus transportation will be provided for the students.


The purpose of this behavioral intervention is to deter students from engaging in negative behaviors and, in the event that a student is assigned this consequence, offering academic support. 


Rules & Expectations:  Students will be expected to bring their school supplies, including their planners, with them to after-school detention.  Students will be expected to complete homework or may read silently for the duration of the detention.  Students who fail to maintain these expectations may be assigned additional consequences and parental contact will be made in all cases.  If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact

Ms. Valorie Spearman, Assistant Principal, Ext. 1709.


Thank you!